Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Elijah's 8th Birthday!

Elijah Halloween 2005

Elijah one year

My middle boy turned 8 on April 14th. Elijah Gabriel Perez was born at 10:09 am. I can't believe how much he has grown. He was the cutest, fattest baby you have ever seen. I couldn't wait for him to walk because at one year he weighed 26lbs! Now he is lean and thin. He is smart and funny and sweet. Elijah loves animals and wants to be a scientist who works with them.
Elijah got guinea pigs this year and we are anxiously awaiting babies! I do wish he would clean the cages himself though:)
If there is a question to be asked about how the body works you can guarantee that Elijah will ask it. Elijah likes to collect papers and take pictures. Elijah has always loved stuffed animals. His favorite is Teddy. Teddy was his best friend for 5 years. I finally took Teddy away so he would be safe til Elijah is a grown up. Teddy still comes out to play when Elijah can find him! He is very passionate about his interests.
Happy Birthday Elijah! Your dad and I love you more than you could ever imagine. You are a delight to us and this family!


Rebecca said...

Well Happy Birthday Elijah! What a handsome young man!! I love that he loves animals....so awesome in kids that age. I'm with you on the cleaing of the cages tho...oooo!!!! Have a great day!

Andrea Hill said...

Yeahhh, Happy Birthday Elijah and one of my favorite names.