Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Babies and grass

I love babies of all kinds. Who doesn't? Yesterday we celebrated the birth of Elijah's guinea pig, Oreo, having her first litter of piggies! They are the cutest thing ever! We have 4 healthy babies but one died during birth. I am told that is normal for these animals. So enjoy the pics and I am throwing some in of Imani in the grass. She does not like grass as you can tell from the scowl on her face. She would stand frozen and would not walk. If she fell to sitting she would cry, LOUD! Sorry Imani, we had a good laugh at your expense. :)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Awesome hair day!

This is what happens when you give two 3 year olds liberty with your hair! Ignore the fact that this was before my shower and makeup for the day:)


Tonight I am thankful for my physically capable and bright kids. Some days I get bogged down with the day to day busy stuff and forget that the behaviors and challenges that are the hardest are also a blessing. I see things in my job as a labor and delivery nurse that make me thankful for what God has blessed us with. Today was a long and sad day. You never get used to bad things happening to beautiful new babies. It should be the happiest time in a person's life. For most people it is but for a few it is heart wrenching. Please pray for your healthy kids and pray for those whose children are facing challenges.
Now, we will see if I can remember this when my boys are fighting and being mouthy, Louie is making messes and making Eden scream, and they all want my attention at the same time.! :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

New Blog-I goofed on the address :)

Here is a link to the blog recently created by the agency that helped bring our girls home. You can see some of the wonderful things happening in Ethiopia that benefit many children and families.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers Day

Today is a day that is not much different than any other day. I still had to do my motherly duties today. I did get cards and little homemade gifts from the kids which I love. Blanca wrote me a cute little poem. We went to church then my mom and Rick's mom came over for lunch. With the help of a little pre made food from the store I cooked! It was nice. Then, the best part, I took and 2 1/2 hour nap!!!!! It was heavenly. What really is important to me today to acknowledge is the birth moms of my 3 amazing girls. Blanca's mom died when she was 4. Today we went to the cemetery and took flowers. Blanca and I sat there and I had my arms around her as she cried. That is such a powerful thing. I am her mom, Mayra is her mom. One of us is here and one is in Heaven. Sometimes I wonder what it is about me that God saw to want me to raise another's child. It is a huge responsibility and I am humbled that He chose us for these girls. Imani's mom is unknown to us. Imani was abandoned. That seems like a negative word. It was not a negative act. It was unselfish, desperate, loving, and horribly sad. I wish no mom ever had to leave her child in hopes of them finding a "better" life. Wouldn't it be nice if all moms were able to keep and raise their children? It doesn't seem fair that some people can't. Why am I any better than she is? Eden's birth mom is still living in Ethiopia and I had the privilege to meet her twice. She is beautiful and strong. She made this huge sacrifice for her daughter. What stronger love can there be? I just want to say thank you to these special women. My life is so full of love because of them. I will continue to honor these women by always remembering where my girls came from and asking God to give me the strength to be the best mom I can. Please pray for these women and the women all over the world who are struggling with poverty, disease, abuse, and desperation.
Thank you Mayra, Bizhayu, and the woman who gave birth to Imani.
We love you!!

Eden's mom