Sunday, May 17, 2009


Tonight I am thankful for my physically capable and bright kids. Some days I get bogged down with the day to day busy stuff and forget that the behaviors and challenges that are the hardest are also a blessing. I see things in my job as a labor and delivery nurse that make me thankful for what God has blessed us with. Today was a long and sad day. You never get used to bad things happening to beautiful new babies. It should be the happiest time in a person's life. For most people it is but for a few it is heart wrenching. Please pray for your healthy kids and pray for those whose children are facing challenges.
Now, we will see if I can remember this when my boys are fighting and being mouthy, Louie is making messes and making Eden scream, and they all want my attention at the same time.! :)

1 comment:

Andrea Hill said...

Yeah bless our precious children! I can't even begin to imagine the thing you see sometimes at your job.